Community Relationships

Aftercare and Community Relationship

Aftercare is defined differently by many in our profession. Learn from Lisa how she began her company’s aftercare program to become one that helped her grow her market share and was known throughout the country as one of the best. It is not about selling pre-need plans nor is it about becoming or hiring a grief counselor. It is about creating well rounded “life honoring” programs of support that help families in your community mourn and heal. With her collaborative partner who is an experienced grief support expert and licensed counselor you will learn more about to create an effective aftercare program for your clients and community.

Lisa is known for the development of key community relationship building and referral programs that she attributes as one of the keys to her business’s growth. From networking with community recommenders, key end of life partners such as hospice and health care systems, and senior centers for creating a strong relationship with hospice workers, Lisa and her collaborative partner will teach you to create a strong community network and referral program that is lasting and grows your market share.

Community Relationship Building

Your business should be one of the pillars of your community. Lisa and her collaborative partners will help you learn to connect with other local leaders to increase hospice referrals, strengthen bonds with local clergy, enhance your veteran’s program, refine your senior group marketing techniques, set up effective grief support services and so much more.