Dear Readers,


I hope this message finds you well and that you are savoring the final days of summer. As we embrace the warmth and light of these last summer weeks, it’s a perfect time to reflect on our growth and prepare for the seasons ahead with renewed energy and purpose.


This August, we are excited to feature two articles designed to inspire and support you in your professional journey. The first article explores the unique challenges faced by women in our profession and offers strategies for finding support, mentoring, and personal growth. The second article delves into the keys to happiness and fulfillment, highlighting the wisdom of Viktor Frankl and practical tips for achieving personal and professional satisfaction.

I sincerely hope these articles provide you with valuable insights and encouragement as you continue to navigate the meaningful work you do.


Remember to stay connected with me on LinkedIn, where I share valuable articles and data each week. Additionally, tune in to my podcast, Your Funeral Coach Talks, for engaging discussions and expert advice. If there is any way I can support you, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Wishing you a joyful and fulfilling end to your summer!


My best always,

Breaking Barriers: Supporting Women Leaders in Funeral Service

As women leaders in the funeral service and deathcare profession, we face unique challenges. Gallup's research, particularly the article "Women's Engagement Advantage Disappears in Leadership Roles" by Camilla Frumar and Anna Truscott-Smith, highlights that women generally exhibit higher levels of engagement than men at nearly all organizational levels. However, this engagement advantage tends to disappear at the senior leadership level. Let’s explore how to seek support and mentoring in leadership roles, ask for what you need, and grow yourself as a leader, specifically focusing on our profession and the women within it.

Gallup's research shows that at the managerial level, women’s engagement outpaces men’s by eight percentage points. Women in roles like project managers and individual contributors are highly engaged and enthusiastic about their work. However, as women ascend to top leadership positions, their engagement levels become nearly equal to those of men. This decline in engagement at senior levels has significant implications for organizations, including those in the deathcare profession.

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Finding Happiness and Fulfillment in Deathcare

What is the key to happiness? It’s different for everyone. In the funeral service and deathcare profession, where we encounter life's most profound moments, the discovery of happiness and fulfillment can be particularly challenging yet deeply rewarding. Let's explore how to achieve both happiness and fulfillment, drawing insights from recent psychological research and the wisdom of Viktor Frankl.

Happiness in our profession often intertwines with personal satisfaction. According to a recent review by D. Folk and E. Dunn in an article from Psychology Today, practicing gratitude is a powerful strategy. 

Below are some helpful tips and ideas:


· Expressing gratitude: Writing a gratitude letter or text message can quickly increase happiness and provide a sense of appreciation for the important work we do. Journaling daily about something you are grateful for and proud of can help with your happiness and feelings of self-confidence.


· Being sociable: Engaging with colleagues and clients can make a significant difference. Even brief, positive interactions with strangers can elevate our mood. In our profession, offering comfort to families not only helps them but also brings a sense of fulfillment to us.

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Listen to Our

Podcast Episode!

Breaking the Silence: Burnout & Balance in Deathcare with Monica Torres

Events Where You Can Connect With Lisa!

  • CANA 106th Annual Cremation Innovation Convention September 11 - 13, 2024 | Chicago
  • Selected Independent Funeral Homes 2024 Annual Meeting September 25 - 28 | Lake Buena Vista, FL
  • NFDA Annual Convention & Expo October 20 – 23, 2024 | New Orleans, LA

To connect with Lisa at one of these meetings, please contact us below.

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