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Happy March and Women's History Month to all our readers! I hope that these last few months of your new year have been fruitful, self-fulfilling, and not too cold!

Whether you are a business owner, manager, or licensee, the first several months of a new year are traditionally busy times in the funeral, cremation, and cemetery profession.

Over the years it is always my goal to have my company and personal goals in place before the holidays begin. Then somehow, WHAM, we get busy! Additionally, many family and personal obligations come up, and before I know it, my schedule is full and the time for self-reflection, goal setting, etc. just goes out the window. The winter months can become overwhelming. We many times find ourselves in a place where even working on our goals and plans seems impossible. 

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Written by Coleen Ellis

Owner, Coleen.Rocks and Two Hearts Pet Loss Center

The New Year came in like a boss, and people casually threw around "Happy New Year." Maybe you heard it, or maybe you even fooled yourself by saying the same thing in your self-speak. “Here’s hoping this year is the best yet!”

Well, I have a huge news flash! The success of your year should fully be because YOU made it the best yet. It’s the title of a rockin’ awesome book Hope Is Not a Strategy and should be everyone’s life mantra!

Hope IS NOT a Strategy! 

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Written by Kristen Ernst, MA, LPC

People have busy lives. And if you are working in funeral service, life does not stop for death. Arrangements with families, accommodating other people’s schedules, and allowing time for families to mourn will change your own personal schedule. At home, there are soccer games, childcare, relationships, and your own self-care routine to tend to as well. Most of us are overscheduled and overstressed. Staying busy keeps us from paying attention to our bodies, our relationships, and our daily lives.


According to the World Health Organization, there has been a 25% increase in anxiety and depression since the pandemic. 1 in 3 workers has reported feeling burnt out, and by September of 2022, 4.4 million workers had quit the workforce. Exhaustion increases hopelessness and suicidality, and it is predicted that 28% more people will seek support for mental health in the coming year.

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Written by Marguerite Ham

Do you struggle with how to create and or write out a goal? Has year after year gone by and you “beat yourself up” for not accomplishing what you really want to accomplish? Are you stuck on the roller coaster of life and not focusing on what YOU really want?

What's interesting is that most of us take more time in planning a vacation or a party than we do planning our futures!  Regardless of what format you follow for creating something and put it in writing! 

Proverb: "Wishing consumes as much energy as planning."

So, if you are reflecting on 2022, wishing you had created a plan for 2022, wish no more for 2023! Instead do something different, create a plan. Below is a process on how to create a plan that will lead you to success with this year’s goals/commitments personally and professionally and be sure they are in alignment with the spirit and soul of who you are!

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Lisa Baue

Your Funeral Coach

10940 S. Parker Road Suite 443

Parker, CO, 80134

(720) 358-3081

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