Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving and happy Cranberry days
Tuesday the 22nd of this week is National Cranberry Relish Day and Wednesday the 23rd is Eat a Cranberry Day. I don’t know if many of you are cranberry fans. I personally love them yet need to have them a bit sweeter than normal.
If you don’t know the origin of cranberry relish, it began in New England in the 1900s. The recipe became more popular in the early 1950s. The original recipe had onions, sour cream, sugar, and horseradish.
A more popular tradition is cranberry salad, with jello, no onions or horseradish, and it has apples, pineapple and nuts included. Some add whipped cream too!
In my family, we made Cranberry Ice. It was more like a sherbet. Each year whoever was hosting would get out the hand crank ice cream machine. We used rock salt in the non-electric machine and what I remember was how sore our arms were after my brother and I took turns, for what seemed like hours and hours. The years it was our cousin’s turn; we were thrilled. It really was an all-day process and as the day wore on, our mom and dad had to step in and help us. As kids, we thought the cranberry ice tasted a bit sour and could use a lot more sugar. Over the years we came to love it. more and more.
We haven’t had cranberry ice in over 15 years as our parents are all gone now. It’s sad when a tradition ends, however, it can be wonderful to start new ones.
What are your favorite Thanksgiving traditions? New or old, feel free to share them with us, your friends, and the community to enjoy them with you.
I hope that all of you in funeral service enjoy a bit of respite this week and have the time to eat some of your favorite holiday recipes. For those working and on duty, please know we are grateful for all you do to serve families in your communities to give them comfort and care.
Blessings to you all on this Cranberry themed day and this Thanksgiving!
My best always,